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New premises support Hydac’s growth and development

Hatanpään valtatie 34, Tampere_HYDAC14


Flexible and versatile premises are among the most important criteria when choosing new premises. Hydac Oy’s Tampere office, which operates in the technology industry, was able to influence the solutions for its facilities from the very beginning. The new premises in Hatanpää now better meet the company’s needs.

Hydac manufactures a wide range of products, especially for the hydraulics industry, including control systems for electrical components. The company is also extensively involved in new technologies, such as the electrification of work machines, hydrogen projects, and data center thermal management solutions.


Currently, our Tampere office employs about 40 people, 15 of whom are employees of our subsidiary Technion Oy. Our offices are located in Vantaa and Tampere, and we are part of the German HYDAC group,” says CEO Raino Heikkilä. Hydac Oy and Technion Oy together employ approximately 170 people in Finland.

Flexibility and adaptability at the forefront


Hydac’s Tampere office moved last December to completely new premises in Hatanpää, Tampere, renovated according to the company’s wishes. The facilities were built in collaboration with the company from the very beginning.


“Practically speaking, we were able to design the entire space according to our own wishes, from the layout to surface materials and partitions. Flexibility was definitely one of the most important criteria in choosing the new premises,” Heikkilä adds.


In addition to adaptability, the decision to move to Kielo’s premises in Hatanpää was also influenced by the location’s good indoor air quality, thermal management, and excellent location close to Tampere city center. Additionally, Kielo’s Hatanpää premises offer essential services that make employees’ daily lives easier, such as a popular lunch restaurant and a gym.


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Efficient use of property


The new bright premises have received praise from employees and positive feedback from customers who have visited the new facilities out of interest since the move.


“Overall, we are very satisfied with our new premises, which allow for more efficient and versatile use of property. Additionally, the services at the Hatanpää premises are a significant addition to our new premises,” Heikkilä concludes.


Would you like to learn more about the available premises in Tampere? Kielo offers great places to work – ask our Tampere team members Juho, Juha, or Jukka for more information.

Contact information


Juho Ihanamäki
+358 40 5293 212
[email protected]


Juha Juvonen
+358 40 5564 484
[email protected]


Jukka Akselin
+358 40 5041 401
[email protected]

Hatanpään valtatie 34, Tampere_HYDAC24

Ota yhteyttä


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