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Kielo renovates the facade of Kauppakatu 18 property in Jyväskylä





The prestigious property at Kauppakatu 18, designed by architect Vilho Penttilä, is one of Jyväskylä’s most renowned landmarks. It offers stunning views of the lush Kirkkopuisto and the city’s most beautiful blocks. The facade renovation of the building, known as Puistonkulma, has commenced, and scaffolding has appeared in the pedestrian street’s cityscape.


During the facade renovation, both the Kauppakatu and Kilpisenkatu sides of the building will be refurbished. The renovation will also include the renewal of rainwater drainage systems and the restoration of wooden window frames. The project is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2024. The main contractor is T&P Keski-Suomi Oy, with supervision by Rakennusinsinööripalvelut A.A..


“We are pleased that the facade renovation of Kauppakatu property has begun in collaboration with a local construction company. The facade will be restored to its former glory, respecting its historical value,” says Hanna Rauhala, CEO of Kielo.


Development work and tenant negotiations are ongoing for the office premises of the property, which was originally completed in 1915 for bank use. The office premises modifications will commence once the new tenant base is confirmed.

Additional information:

Hanna Rauhala, CEO, Kielo
+358 40 0297 312
[email protected]


Kielo, established in 2021, is a property owner offering diverse business premises. Kielo is owned by Nyfosa, a real estate investment company listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, and Brunswick Real Estate. In 2024, the size of the company’s property portfolio is about 730 million euros. Kielo has over 90 properties throughout Finland. We offer small and large business premises, the genuine presence of local partners, and the high-quality, nationwide resources of a large operator. Get to know Kielo and our properties at

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