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Terapiatalo noste


Terapiatalo Noste: A fast-growing company needs flexibility in its premises

Terapiatalo Noste

Location of Kielo’s premises: Kouvola, Hämeenlinna and Pori
Company: A company providing mental health services and operates in 30 different municipalities and 47 locations in Finland. 450 employees.


Terapiatalo Noste is a multiprofessional community that offers, among other things, individual therapy, couples and family therapy, child psychiatry and nutritional therapy. Founded in 2019, the company quickly expanded nationwide into a chain. The rapid growth has also demanded a lot from business premises.


Matti Penttinen, founder of Terapiatalo Noste and director of its development projects, does not need to think about the reason for the good cooperation with Kielo. It’s flexibility.


“Flexibility is the most important thing in the cooperation with Kielo. Our company grew from zero and in the early stages we could not afford to rent huge premises because there was no turnover yet. Kielo believes that we want to grow into a big chain. They have been flexible, for example, regarding the length of lease agreements,” says Matti Penttinen.

The growing company is eyeing at new premises


The company currently has premises in three of Kielo’s properties. The first office was opened in Kouvola, where the company has premises of more than 200 square metres. There are also more than 200 square meters in Hämeenlinna, but now the company is considering moving into larger premises. In Pori, operations have only just begun in a compact space of 100 square metres. All premises are in city centres so that they are easily accessible.


For a growing company, potential space expansions and moves are constantly on the table.


“In Hämeenlinna, for example, we moved to larger premises, and we wouldn’t have gone to Pori if Kielo hadn’t handled things well in other cities,” says Penttinen.

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“Flexibility is the most important thing in the cooperation with Kielo.

Kielo believes that we want to grow into a big chain. They have been

flexible, for example, regarding the length of lease agreements.”

A genuine desire to solve things


All Terapiatalo Noste’s premises will be modified, as the soundproofing of the therapy rooms naturally play an important role: speech must not be heard in the other rooms.


Penttinen is pleased with the cooperation with Kielo. Small additional needs have also emerged along the way, but Kielo has been able to solve them quickly and flexibly.


“Our contact person at Kielo wants to solve things and genuinely puts effort into them. I collaborate with the idea that it would be my own property. Our cooperation is like marriage – it requires mutual commitment and cooperation,” Penttinen thinks.

Additional Information:

Janne Rauhala, Asset manager 

+358 40 5308 651

[email protected]

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