An energy project was implemented at the Yrittäjänkulma property in Tampere, aiming to reduce the property’s annual need for purchased energy by up to 40 per cent.
Energy projects bring savings in energy consumption and can reduce the property’s maintenance debt. Improvements can be achieved, for example, by replacing outdated parts or utilising waste heat in the heating of the property. Energy projects may also include the use of renewable energy, such as solar energy.
“The aim of the energy project is to reduce the environmental impact and at the same time achieve a defined financial target”, says Sustainability manager Max Nybondas.
Lighting and ventilation in order
An example of a successful energy project is the Yrittäjänkulma 5 property in Hankkio, Tampere, where an energy efficiency project was carried out in 2022–2023. The property comprises 15,000 square metres of leasable space.
“The potential for the project was identified already during the acquisition of the property when we visited the site. At that time, we noticed a lot of outdated technology in areas such as lighting and ventilation. The consultants confirmed our view and evaluated what level of energy and cost savings could be achieved,” says Nybondas.
The project itself was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the lighting fixtures in the production hall were replaced with LED luminaires. During the second stage, the ventilation was improved, a centralised Building Management System (BMS) was installed and the heating source converted to geothermal heating. The lighting was completed in June 2022 and the rest in October 2023.
“When the lighting was updated to meet current standards, employee safety also improved,” says Nybondas.
“As a result of the project, up to 40 per cent of the property’s
purchased energy needs will decrease on an annual level.
Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced
by an estimated 139 tonnes per year”
The need for purchased energy will be reduced by 40 per cent
A system with adaptability was chosen for the lighting, where each luminaire can be controlled individually, and different combinations can be programmed. For example, the entire hall does not need to be lit when someone passes through as passageways can now be controlled separately. It is also easy to modify the lighting if tenants expand or reduce their spaces.
When installing the geothermal heating, preparations were made for possible regeneration of the well field, i.e. charging, and reservations for electric vehicle charging devices were installed in connection with the excavations.
The project was carried out with the tenants present throughout the project and the work was carried out with minimal disturbance in mind. For example, lighting installations were prepared to be carried out at night, but in the end, there was no need for it.
For those working in the property, the lighting upgrade has been the most visible part of the project, and they have been satisfied with the upgrade – after all, the luminaires have a great impact on their work.
“Otherwise, the benefits of the project are best seen in the light of the figures. As a result of the project, up to 40 per cent of the property’s purchased energy needs will decrease on an annual level. Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by an estimated 139 tonnes per year,” says Nybondas.
Additional information:
Max Nybondas, Sustainability manager
+358 40 721 2276
[email protected]
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