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Places for good work

Kielo is a partner for business premises near you. We create jobs: we offer premises made for professionals and employ local experts in maintaining our properties. Check out our properties that make work easier for you where ever you are.

Functional premises
We are all about matching the premises with your business and your employees. We know that it is pleasant to work in a place where everything functions; whether you are alone, as part of a group or in a hybrid setting. We have you covered, however you choose. Explore our premises that support your work. You will find them in just the right places.


Kielo's offices are designed to suit each business. Convenient and comfortable!


Kielo offers premises for growth and sales, exactly where your customers are.


Explore future-proof premises designed to meet the society's changing needs.

Warehouses and Industrial

We have space! Find options for industrial needs in different parts of the supply chain.
Now in Kielo
Business premises alone are not enough. We need high-quality lunch places, functionallyand responsibly managed properties that do good for the people and the environment.Read more about Kielo’s solutions and local services.


In our properties, you have access to various services. Check them out, such as delicious lunch restaurants in some of our properties.

Jula's concept store found a home in Hyvinkää

Jula’s first store in Uusimaa was opened in Hyvinkää in September 2023. Before moving in, the property underwent a major renovation, in accordance with Jula’s precise store concept.
Learn how the story continues

The property’s energy project reduces environmental stress and brings cost savings

Energy projects bring savings in energy consumption and can reduce the property’s repair backlog.
Discover how to achieve energy and cost savings
Frequently asked questions
You’re number one. That’s why we’ll answer any question you might have.Here you can conveniently find the most common questions and their answers.Kielo’s local professionals are also here to serve you. Find your local contact here.
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Everything has worked well with Kielo. We are satisfied with the result of the renovation and the fact that the property was made to fit our needs perfectly. We are long-term tenants, as Jula has come to stay in Finland!

Henrik Huhtala, Construction manager, Jula Finland Oy

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